Thursday 4 March 2010

Nintendo&Sega Genesis 16bit

 Dijual sebagai satu kesatuan, nes dan sega genesis. Kekurangan:
Sold together as one selling package, NES/Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Flaws:

Sega Genesis tanpa adaptor untuk tv, maka menggunakan adaptor dari konsol nintendo.
The Sega Genesis is sold without its tv connecting adaptor, so you'll have to use the one from the nes, else you have it yourself.

Nintendo/NES tanpa kontroler.
The Nintendo/NES is sold without any controller pad.


Nintendo / NES: Tiny Toon, Chip&Dale Rescue Rangers, Mario Bros.

Sega Genesis    : Bart Simpson in Virtual World, Dragon Ball Z, After Burner, Mighty morphing Power
                          Rangers, The Punisher&Nick Fury, Altered Beasts, Batman Returns, Batman Forever,
                          X-Men 1#, G-Loc Air Battle, Captain America&the Avengers, Samurai Spirits/Samurai
                          Showdown IV, Shinobi 3#

Semua dijual sebagai satu kesatuan dengan harga/all goes for Rp 500.000 / Idr 500,000 (around $50 as of march 11th, 2010)

Kunjungi Juga/Please Do Kindly Visit:


   Daltanias dijual. Kekurangan: engsel penghubung dada dan tangan kiri Atlaus patah, ekor Velarios patah tapi masih ada potongannya, bagian-bagian kecil (peluru dkk) berantakan tapi insya Allah lengkap dan utuh, tanpa bungkus paling luar.

  Daltanias for sale. Flaws: Atlaus' chest and left hand plastic connecting hub is broken, Velarios' tail is broken but the broken part is still saved. Small parts are all in shamble but God permit intact and complete. Without outermost cardboard packaging.

  Harga/Price: rp 2,5 juta / Idr 2.5 million (about $250 as march 4th 2010)

Kunjungi Juga/Please Do Kindly Visit:

Tanah Dijual/Vacant Land for Sale

 Tanah dijual. Keterangan: 270 m2 di Bouganville, jl. Prof. Lefran Pane/RTM, Kelapa Dua Cimanggis Depok

An empty land for sale. Specification: 270 m2 at Bouganville, Prof. Lefran Pane/RTM street, Kelapa Dua  Cimanggis Depok.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi saya/for further information, please kindly contact me.

 Kunjungi Juga/Please Do Kindly Visit:

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Butuh Pegawai/Job Vacancies

Ok, saya akan butuh orang-orang dengan kemampuan berikut, atau mampu menyediakan bahan-bahan berikut/Ok, i'll be needing people with these skills, or able to supply these goods:
  1. Bahasa Inggris yang fasih dan kemampuan analisa dan pencarian data yang baik/Good, fluent english and good data searching and analyzing skill
  2. Penyedia peralatan kantor, alat tulis juga perangkat macam komputer, scanner, dan peralatan kebersihan seperti vacuum cleaner/Supplier of office goods, such as stationery, hardware like computers, also cleaning tools such as vacuum cleaner.
  3. Penyedia dan ahli bahan kimia, untuk pelestarian dan perawatan manuskrip tua/Supplier and experts on chemicals agents, for preserving and mantaining the good condition of old manuscripts.
  4. Kontraktor bangunan/Civil engineering, cvil installation/building development contractor.
  5. Penyedia gerbang keamanan seperti yang di toko-toko di mall, juga pembaca bar kode dan kelengkapannya/Supplier of detector gate, like the one in those shops in malls, also barcode reader and its complimentaries.
  6. Pembuat program interaktif, termasuk sisi audio visual, contoh: bisa membuat tayangan dengan adobe flash/Interactive sofware programmers, including the ability to cover the audio visual side, like being able to make short film using adobe flash programme.
  7. Orang yang bisa mengedit naskah sesuai pembaca yang dituju/People with good text editing skill to accomodate each specific class of intended reader.
Daftar ini belum final dan pekerjaan yang saya tawarkan masih bersifat per-kontrak. Belum berupa pekerjaan tetap. Bila anda tertarik dan yaqin sanggup, silakan tinggalkan referensi anda. Termasuk data kemampuan anda. InsyaAllah saya akan menghubungi anda/This list is not final. The job i might get and offer to you for your cooperation would most probably still on per-contract based, not a permanent ones, yet. Provided you're interested and sure of your skill(s), please do leave me your references. Don't forget to detail your skill(s). God permits, i'll be contacting you.

Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya/Thank you very much for your kind attention

Kunjungi Juga/Please Do Kindly Visit:

Saturday 10 May 2008

Omar Mukhtar, pejuang Libya tahun 1920an melawan Itali, tapi dalam bahsa arab. Rp20k saja.
Omar Mochtar, libyan freedom fighter against the Italian in the 1920's, but in arabic. Just idr20k.

Kunjungi Juga/Please Do Kindly Visit: